The Artistic Impact
Background: The winning entries of The Artistic Impact 2017

Results Announced. Click here!
About the Artistic Impact
Artistic impact is the pan-India socio-art competition which encourages Gen-Y to develop deeper insights into the social issues seen in today's world and to express them on paper using their creativity, to either highlight the social problem or to provide solution for one.

This year, the competition will comprise of four segments: Click for Change, The Social Canvas, ThINK and My Social Episode.

The Theme for the competition is 'Stepping Towards Better India', which may include but is not limited to
  • Clean and Green India
  • Outsmarting Calamity
  • E-Literate

Click For Change

the photography contest

We are visual creatures, aren't we?. No sooner your friend tells you a story, you start visualizing it. So, great can be the impact of photographs on us. This year NSS IITB gives you an opportunity to use your cameras as an instrument to change, to focus your lens towards a social problem or need and inspire people to work towards it.

The Social Canvas

the drawing competition

The Social Canvas is a segment of Artistic Impact, in which you can use your drawing and painting skills to depict a social problem or the solution to a social issue. You could pick up any one of the social issues prevalent today, which you feel is harmful for the society and draw about it‘s manifestation, consequences or a solution to uproot it from the society. Don‘t lose this opportunity to give people a message using your artistic side!


a competition on creative writings

Let your thoughts lift you into creativity that is not hampered by opinions. The thINK segment of Artistic Impact gives your writing skills wings. You can write anything, from short stories to poems to essays to speeches to any creative writing form. And you can write on any social issue and present your views on it in the most impactful way possible. Afterall, as Martin Luther said " If you want to change the world, then grab your pen and write. "

My Social Episode

personal experience of social service

Living in a society with huge potential but lacking behind due to several social problems, we often feel about giving back to the society in whatever form we can! 'My Social Episode' gives you an opportunity to pen down any of your experiences of contribution towards the welfare of our society. Be it helping a young underprivileged kid with his school maths, planting and take care of a plant or actively participating in Cleanliness drives!

Know the rules for submission
Deadline: 29th September, 2018